
Defined in header <experimental/iterator>
template <class charT, class traits, class DelimT>

std::experimental::ostream_joiner<std::decay_t<DelimT>, charT, traits>

make_ostream_joiner(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, DelimT&& delimiter);
(library fundamentals TS v2)

Creates an ostream_joiner object, deducing the template arguments from the types of the function arguments.

[edit] Parameters

os - the basic_ostream object that the iterator is to be associated to
delimiter - the delimiter

[edit] Return value

A ostream_joiner object, created as if by std::experimental::ostream_joiner<std::decay_t<DelimT>, charT, traits>(os, std::forward<DelimT>(delimiter)).

[edit] Example